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Angelina Mannequins-Shopfitting company guarantees your personal-private data protection which are considered confidential, according to law N.2472/97.

Please dedicate some time in order to carefully read the below privacy statement so that you are informed about the way we handle your personal-private data.

Using this website requires that you accept the below terms.

Essential precondition for a customer to submit an order, is notifying to Angelina Mannequins-Shopfitting company some personal-private data. For submitting an order the customer will be asked for a company Name, VAT number, address to which the products will be delivered, a phone number as well as an email.

Angelina Mannequins-Shopfitting company applies unswervingly the personal data protection principles which are defined by the law, thus will not proceed under no circumstances, to any usage of them without having prior approval.

Angelina Mannequins-Shopfitting company will not publish, sell, or exchange the personal-private data of the customers using the present website.

Altering the present terms.

Angelina Mannequins-Shopfitting company maintains the right to alter or renew the terms and preconditions of the transactions.


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